Falcon Nest Blog


Robotics at Field

Tags: STLP Robotics
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What is robotics?  Robotics is where kids learning how to build and program Lego Mindstorms.  At Field, we have a Robotics club.

One part of Field's Robotics program is Sumo Bots.  Let me tell you what that is.  Sumo Bots is equipping Lego Mindstorms with weapons and programming them to battle them against other ones on a circular rink.  For example, you give your robot a Lego mace, and use a computer code to make it spin around.  Then you battle it against another robot.  The goal is to knock the opponent off of the rink.  Of coarse, you would have already programmed it not to fall off, but the force of the blow would still knock it off.

Another part of Field's Robotics program is Robot Challenge Extreme, or RCX for short.  What is RCX you ask?  RCX is where you design and program a robot to retrieve items scattered on a mat.  For example, you build an arm and attach a color sensor to your robot.  Your robot senses the color red, which is the color of your item.  Your program tells the robot if it senses red, sweep down the arm to take it and roll back to base.

Tags: STLP Robotics

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