Falcon Nest Blog


Thanks to GitHub

Tags: STLP Web Design GitHub
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GitHub is a source control management system.  A source control repository works like a library where you can change the book text.  Instead of books, we change the web pages for our web site.  At GitHub we have the Field-Elementary repository.  Thanks to the GitHub Education Team we upgraded to a Bronze plan and got a free private repository.  This allows us to restrict access to just members of our club.

At Field Elementary, we have a Web Design club.  Our web site is the Falcon Nest.  We have a calendar and blog.  We post when cool stuff happens and what is happening.  We call ourselves the Field Web Ninjas.

Cat in the Hat
For our first GitHub project, we used the book Cat in the Hat.  Page 18 has 18 lines of text.  We drew numbers out of a hat.  If you drew number 3, you would type line number 3 into this file:  CatIntheHat.txt.  Then we committed the change from different computers.  Even though we were all changing the same file, GitHub merged our changes without a problem.  As each club member committed a change, we got a GitHub Octocat sticker as a reward.

These Octocat stickers were very popular.  One member of the club started saving up her allowance money to buy a t-shirt.  When we told the GitHub Educational Team about the group's love of the Octocat, they sent more stickers and gave us a discount on shirts.  With this discount, we bought shirts for everyone in the club.

We took this holiday greeting photo as a thanks.

Thanks to the GitHub Education Team, we are all Octocats now!

Thank you!
The Field Web Ninjas

Tags: STLP Web Design GitHub

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